The 22nd National Conference on Communications (NCC 2016)

4-6 March 2016

Guwahati, Assam

Call for Papers

The National Conference on Communications (NCC) is a flagship conference in India dedicated to advanced research in the areas of Communications, Signal Processing and Networks. Over the years, it has emerged as a forum for researchers from all areas of communications, signal processing and networks to exchange their ideas, foster collaboration, and cover new grounds. The twenty-second National Conference on Communications (NCC-2016) will be held at IIT Guwahati during March 4-6, 2016. The conference will feature technical paper sessions, poster sessions, tutorials, workshops and invited talks by eminent researchers from around the world. Accepted and presented papers in NCC 2016 will be published in the conference proceedings. The papers are also likely to be submitted to IEEE Xplore as well as other abstracting and indexing databases. Prospective authors are engouraged to submit their original research contributions in the following three tracks:

Communications Networks Signal Processing
Coding Theory, Cognitive Radios, Information Theory, Optical Communications, RF/Microwaves/Antennas, Satellite Communications, Smart Grids/Green Technology, Systems and Circuits, Underwater Systems, Wireless Communications Adhoc and Sensor Networks, Biological Networks, Cross-Layer Design, Cryptography, Network Test-Beds, Next Generation Networks, Security and Privacy, Social Networks and Games, Throughput and Scaling, Underwater Networks, Vehicular Networks Array Signal Processing, Biomedical Systems, Compressive Sensing, DSP Algorithms and Architectures, Detection and Estimation, Image/Video Processing, Language Identification, Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition, Speech and Audio Processing

The above listed topics are typical and not exhaustive.

Technical Papers: Prospective authors are encouraged to submit full paper(s) for review. Only original papers which have not been published or submitted elsewhere will be considered. Submissions should not exceed SIX A4 size pages in length, should use font size no smaller than 10points, and have margins on all four sides as per the IEEE conference format. Final papers accepted for publication should have a minimum length of THREE pages. The online submission site will be opened shortly.

Tutorials: One page proposals are invited for half/full day tutorials in the broad areas covered under the scope of NCC-2016.

Workshops: Proposals are also sought for workshop on the latest technical and business issues covered under the scope of NCC-2016.

Important Dates

Last Date of Paper Submission 8 November 2015
Last Date for Proposal for Pre-Conference Tutorial and Workshop 1 November 2015
Acceptance Notification 5 January 2016
Last Date for Camera Ready Paper Submission 10 February 2016
Deadline for Registration 25 February 2016