The 9th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR 2010)
October 13-16, 2010
COEX, Seoul, Korea
Aims and Scope
- Mixed reality (MR) and augmented reality (AR) allow for the convergence of real and virtual worlds. The evolution of novel MR/AR user interfaces is beginning to have significant impact on industry and society. The field is highly interdisciplinary, bringing together signal processing, computer vision, computer graphics, user interfaces, human factors, display and sensor technologies, and wearable, mobile and ubiquitous computing, to name just some of the most important influences. MR/AR concepts are applicable to a wide range of applications. ISMAR and its forerunners IWAR, ISMR and ISAR, have been the premier forums in this vital field since 1998 (
- This year we are proud to present the 9th IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR 2010). The symposium will be held from October 13th to 16th, 2010, in Seoul, Korea. We invite you all to participate in this great event for the exchange of new ideas in this exciting field. As in ISMAR 2009, the “traditional” Science & Technology track will be complemented by an Arts, Media and Humanities track with its unique and separate publication. Both programs will follow ISMAR’s stringent publication requirements with reviews being provided by qualified peers from these respective disciplines.
- Note that there is only one track for papers (that is no distinction between full and short). Thus, papers can be submitted in minimum of four pages or more. The reviews will be done based on the contribution (the length) of the paper. For example, a paper in six pages will be expected of more contribution than one with four pages.
Call for Papers and Posters
MR/AR applications across all areas of personal and professional activities, such as:Personal MR/AR information systems, games, applications in industry, military, medicine, science, entertainment, architecture, tourism, art, cultural heritage, education, training etc.
Topics of the Technical Track include, but are not limited to, the following topics:
- Tracking technologies, calibration methods, sensor fusion, vision-based registration and tracking, acquisition of 3D scene descriptions
Information presentation
- Object overlay and spatial layout techniques, handling of occlusions or x-ray vision, photorealistic augmentation, real-time augmentation, optical display technologies (HWDs, HMDs, HUDs, mobile projectors), aural or haptic augmentation, combined presentation across several displays (combining mobile and stationary devices), display and view management
User interaction
- Interaction techniques and metaphors for MR/AR, collaborative MR/AR, multimodal input and output, tangible interaction, combined interaction with virtual and real objects
Human factors
- Usability studies and experiments of MR/AR-based interaction and presentation concepts, acceptance of MR/AR technology, social implications
System architecture
- Wearable and mobile computing, distributed and collaborative MR/AR, display hardware, performance issues (real-time approaches), embedded computing for MR/AR, integration of MR/AR technologies into wide-area pervasive computing environments
Arts, Media & Humanities
More information about the topics, theme for submitting for the “Arts, Media & Humanities” program is available here.
- ISMAR 2010 invites paper and poster submissions in the general field of mixed and augmented reality. Submissions of papers (4 to 10 pages) and posters (up to 2 pages) will be accepted. Don’t stretch papers unnecessarily to adhere to the page limits. Only novel contributions will be accepted. As a result of the reviewing process, authors may be asked to revise their papers, requiring a second acceptance process by a shepherd. All accepted papers in each category will be published in the proceedings. Papers and posters must be formatted according to the IEEE Computer Society TCVG authoring guidelines ( and submitted electronically as PDF documents. ISMAR uses a single-blind reviewing process. Thus, authors and affiliations may be mentioned. Detailed submission instructions will be provided on the web site ( a month before the submission deadline.
Submission | May 24(abstract), May 31(paper), 2010 |
Notification | July 29, 2010 |
Camera-ready copies | August 24, 2010 |
Award Committee Member
- Takeshi Kurata, AIST, Japan
- Bruce Thomas, Univ. of South Australia
- Simon Julier, University College London, UK
- Michael Haller, Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences, Austria
- Tom Drummond, Cambridge Univ., UK
Organizing Committee
General Chair
- Gerard J. Kim, Koera University, Korea
- Heedong Ko, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Korea
Science & Technology Program Chairs
- Jun Park, Hongik Univerisity, Korea
- Vincent Lepetit, EPFL, Switzerland
- Tobias Hollerer, Univ. of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Arts, Media and Humanities Program Chairs
- Soh Yeong Roh, Korea (Art installation / Exhibition)
- Hyun-Jhin Lee, Hongik University, Korea (Paper review)
- Raphael Grasset, HIT Lab NZ, New Zealand
- Kyle Hyunsuk Kim, Hongik University, Korea (Media Arts Industry Panel)
- Jinwan Park, Chung-ang University, Korea (Artist Panel)
- Julian Stadon, Curtin Univ. of Technology, Australia
Award Chairs
- Jong-Il Park, Hangyang University, Korea
- Mark Billinghurst, HITLabNZ, New Zealand
Tutorial Chairs
- John Quarles, University of Texas, San Antonio, USA
- Fumihisa Shibata, Ritsmeikan University, Japan
- Namgyu Kim, Dongeui University, Korea
Workshop Chairs
- Hirokazu Kato, NAIST, Japan
- Christine Perey, Perey Associates, Switzerland
- Woontack Woo, GIST, Korea
Tracking Competition
- Sangkeun Lee, Chung-Ang University
- Itaru Kitahara, Tsukuba University
- Manuel Huber, Technical University of Munchen
Finance Chair
- Say Jang, Samsung Electronics Co., Korea
- Gerard Kim, Korea University
Corporate Exhibit Chair
- Sang-Goog Lee, Catholic University, Korea
- Ig-Jae Kim, KIST, Korea
Demo Chairs
- Jongweon Lee, Sejong University, Korea
- Suya Yu, Univ. of Southern California, USA Changhoon
- Park, Hoseo University, Korea
Publicity Chairs
- Sang Chul Ahn, KIST, Korea
- Hideo Saito, Keio University, Japan
- Christine Perey, Perey Associates, Switzerland
- Jung-hee Ryu, KAIST / Olaworks, Inc., Korea
Publications Chair
- Yoon Sang Kim, Korea University of Technology and Education, Korea
Student Volunteer Chair
- Youngho Lee, Mokpo University
Local Arrangement Chair
- Jae-In Hwang, KIST, Korea
Steering Committee
- Ron Azuma, Nokia Research, USA
- Mark Billinghurst, HITLabNZ, New Zealand
- Oliver Bimber, Johannes Kepler University, Austria
- Tom Drummond, Cambridge University, UK
- Henry Fuchs, University of North Carolina, Chapell Hill, USA
- Raphael Grasset, HITLabNZ, New Zealand
- Tobias Hoellerer, Univ. of California, Santa Barbara, USA
- Simon Julier, University College London, UK
- Hirokazu Kato, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
- Gudrun Klinker, TU Munich, Germany
- Mark Livingston, Naval Research Laboratory, USA
- Ulrich Neumann, Univ. of Southern California, USA
- Jannick Rolland, Univ. of Rochester, USA
- Hideo Saito, Keio University, Japan
- Dieter Schmalstieg, Tech. Univ. of Vienna, Austria
- Chris Stapleton, Univ. of Central Florida, USA
- Haruo Takemura, Osaka University
- Bruce Thomas, University of South Australia
Area Chairs
American region
- Greg Welch: UNC Chapel Hill, USA,
- Frank Biocca: Michigan State University, USA, (also Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
- Blair MacIntyre: Georgia Tech, USA,
- Sean White: Columbia Univ. / Smithsonian Institution, USA,
European region
- Selim Benhimane: METAIO, Germany,
- Oliver Bimber: Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria,
- Wendy MacKay: INRIA Futurs, France,
- Daniel Wagner: Graz University of Technology, Austria,
Asia/Pacific region
- Yoshinari Kameda: University of Tsukuba, Japan,
- Woontak Woo: GIST, Korea,
- Christian Sandor: University of South Australia, Australia,
- Kiyoshi Kiyokawa: Osaka University, Japan,