The 8th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII 2019)
September 3rd-6th, 2019
Cambridge, United Kingdom
Call for papers for the main conference (Co-Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society)
We are calling for papers to be presented at ACII 2019, the 8th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction. All accepted papers are expected to be included in IEEE Xplore and indexed by EI. A selection of the best articles at ACII2019 will be invited to submit extended versions to IEEE’s Transactions on Affective Computing. These will be published in a “Best of ACII” special issue of this premier journal.
The general conference topics include:
Psychology & Cognition of Affect in Designing Computational Systems
- Computational Models of Emotional Processes
- Issues in Psychology & Cognition of Affect in Affective Computing Systems
- Cultural Differences in Affective Design and Interaction
- Ethical Issues in Affective Computing
- Inclusive Design
Recognition and Synthesis of Human Affect from ALL Modalities
- Facial and Body Gesture Recognition, Modelling and Animation
- Affective Speech Analysis, Recognition and Synthesis
- Recognition and Synthesis of Auditory Affect Bursts (Laughter, Cries, etc.)
- Motion Capture for Affect Recognition
- Affect Recognition from Alternative Modalities (Physiology, Brain Waves, etc.)
- Affective Text Processing and Sentiment Analysis
- Multimodal Data Fusion for Affect Recognition
- Synthesis of Multimodal Affective Behavior
- Creating models for user diversity (ability, language, culture, gender, age)
Affective Interfaces for ALL
- Inclusive, affective user interfaces
- Design of Affective Loop and Affective Dialogue Systems
- Human-Centred Human-Behaviour-Adaptive Interfaces
- Interfaces for Attentive & Intelligent Environments
- Mobile, Tangible and Virtual/Augmented Multimodal Proactive Interfaces
- Distributed/Collaborative Multimodal Proactive Interfaces
- Tools and System Design Issues for Building Affective and Proactive Interfaces
- Evaluation of Affective, Behavioural, and Proactive Interfaces
Affective, Social and Inclusive Robotics and Virtual Agents
- Emotion in Robot and Virtual Agent Cognition and Action
- Embodied Emotion
- Biologically-Inspired Architectures for Affective and Social Robotics
- Developmental and Evolutionary Models for Affective and Social Robotics
- Models of Emotion for Embodied Conversational Agents
- Personality in Embodied Conversational Agents
- Memory, Reasoning, and Learning in Affective Conversational Agents
Affective Databases and Annotation Tools
Applications (e.g., Health, Education, Entertainment, Consumer Products)
Special Tracks: ACII2019 will also include the following multidisciplinary tracks
- Neural and Psychological Models of Affect
- Technological and Biological Bodies in Dialogue: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Bodily, Affective and Social Perception
For more information on special tracks click here.
Important Dates
Main Conference
- Paper submission: 23 April 2019 (anywhere on Earth)
- Abstract submission for special track: 23 April 2019 (anywhere on Earth)
- Notification of acceptance: 14 June 2019
- Camera ready papers due: 12 July 2019
- Conference: 3 – 6 September 2019
- Demo application deadline: June 24, 2019
- Notification of acceptance: July 5, 2019
- Camera ready papers due: July 12, 2019
Doctoral Consortium Participation
- Submission deadline: May 11, 2019
- Acceptance notifications: June 14, 2019
- Camera-ready deadline: July 12, 2019
Special Sessions
- Submission of Special Session proposals: November 15, 2018
- Notification of acceptance for the Special Sessions: December 7, 2018
- Paper Submission to the accepted Special Sessions Deadline:
April 12, 2019April 23, 2019 (anywhere on Earth) - Notification of acceptance for the papers: 14 June, 2019
- Camera ready papers due: 12 July, 2019
Tutorial Proposals
- Tutorial Proposal Deadline: March 29, 2019
- Tutorial Acceptance Notification: May 3, 2019
- Tutorial day: September 3, 2019
- Workshop proposal submission deadline:
Feb 12, 2019Feb 19, 2019 - Workshop proposal acceptance notification: March 12, 2019
- Camera Ready Papers Due: July 12, 2019 (same as main conference)
- Date of workshops: September 3, 2019
International Workshop on Social & Emotion AI for Industry (SEAIxI)
- Submissions due: 20th of June 2019
- Author Notifications by: 5th July 2019
- Day of the Workshop: TBA
Workshop on emotions and emergent states in groups
- Submissions due: 17th of June 2019 (midnight PST)
- Author Notifications by: 3rd July 2019
- Day of the Workshop: TBA
4th International Workshop on Emotion and Sentiment in Social and Expressive Media
- Submissions due: 8th of June 2019
- Author Notifications by: TBA
- Day of the Workshop: TBA
Machine Learning for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Affective Disorders
- Submissions due: 18th of June 2019
- Author Notifications by: 9th of July 2019
- Day of the Workshop: 3rd of September 2019
General Chairs:
- Jonathan Gratch, University of Southern California, USA
- Hatice Gunes, University of Cambridge, UK
- Björn Schuller, Imperial College, UK/Augsburg University, DE
- Michel Valstar, University of Nottingham, UK
Program Chairs:
- Nadia Bianchi-Berthouze, University College London, UK
- Julien Epps, University of New South Wales, AU
- Andrea Kleinsmith, University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA
- Rosalind Picard, MIT, USA
Workshop Chairs:
Special Session Chairs:
Doctoral Consortium Chairs:
- Oya Celiktutan, King’s College London, UK
- Theodora Chaspari, TAMU, USA
- Gualtiero Volpe, University of Genoa, ITA
Demo Chairs:
Tutorial Chairs:
Publication Chairs:
- Carlos Busso, University of Texas at Dallas, USA
- Dongmei Jiang, Northwestern Polytechnical University, CHN
- Alessandro Vinciarelli, University of Glasgow, UK
Local Organising Chairs:
- Joy Egede, University of Nottingham, UK
- Marwa Mahmoud, University of Cambridge, UK
- Zixing Zhang, Imperial College London, UK
Industry & Sponsorship Chairs:
Publicity Chairs:
- Kostas Karpouzis, NTUA, GR
- Yelin Kim, Amazon Lab126, USA
- Shangfei Wang, Univ. of Science & Tech., CHN