The 7th IEEE International Conference on Big Data Computing Service and Machine Learning Applications (IEEE BIGDATASERVICE 2021)

Aug. 23-26, 2021

Online, Worldwide

Call For Papers

As computing systems become increasingly larger, more complex, distributed, and integrated, Big Data technologies and services are ever more vital. IEEE BigDataService 2021 provides an internationally leading forum for researchers and practitioners in academia and industry to exchange innovative ideas and share latest results, experiences and lessons learned in this crucial domain.

The conference will take place online on the 23rd-26th of August 2021, will be co-located with IEEE SOSE 2021, IEEE MobileCloud 2021 and IEEE DAPPS 2021, and IEEE AITest 2021, and will consist of a main track and special tracks.

The conference also welcomes workshop proposals – with a deadline on March 1st 2021 and seeks the submission of high-quality papers limited to up to 10 pages (IEEE format) in length. All accepted papers will be included in the proceedings. Selected papers will be invited for extension and published in journals (SCI-Index).


Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning

  • Algorithms and systems for big data search and analytics
  • Machine learning for big data and based on big data
  • Predictive analytics and simulation
  • Visualization systems for big data
  • Knowledge extraction, discovery, analysis, and presentation

Integrated and Distributed Systems

  • Sensor networks
  • Internet of Things
  • Networking and protocols
  • Smart Systems (such as energy efficiency systems, smart homes, smart farms, etc.)

Big Data Platforms and Technologies

  • Innovative, concurrent, and scalable big data platforms
  • Data indexing, cleaning, transformation, and curation technologies
  • Big data processing frameworks and technologies
  • Big data services and application development methods and tools
  • Big data quality evaluation and assurance technologies
  • Big data system reliability, dependability, and availability
  • Open-source development and technology for big data
  • Big Data as a Service (BDaaS) platform and technologies

Big Data Foundations

  • Foundational theoretical or computational models for big data
  • Programming models, theories, and algorithms for big data
  • Standards, protocols, and quality assurance for big data

Big Data Applications and Experiences

  • Innovative big data applications and services in industries and domains e.g. healthcare, finance, insurance, transportation, agriculture, education, environment, multi-media, social networks, urban planning, disaster management, security
  • Experiences and case studies of big data applications and services
  • Real-world and large-scale practices of big data


Special Track on Real-time Big Data Services and Applications

  • Models, algorithms, and technologies for real-time big data services and applications
  • Experiences, practices and case studies of real-time big data services and applications

Special Track on Big Data Security, Privacy and Trust

  • Models, algorithms and technologies for big data security and integrity
  • Practical security and privacy technologies and applications for big data

Special Track on Big Data and analytics for Healthcare

  • Models, algorithms, and technologies of big data for healthcare
  • Big data services and applications for healthcare
  • Experiences, practices and case studies of big data technologies for healthcare

Presentation Guideline

A. Presentations

Every paper will be presented live followed by live questions-and-answers from the audience. The following table summarises the lengths of presentations according to the paper types.

Paper typePresentation Length
Short Paper15 – 30 minutes (please see technical program of the conference)
Regular Paper30 minutes
Invited Paper45 minutes
Keynote60 minutes

Please note that for all types of presentations, the presentation lengths include the time for questions and answers. The authors are suggested to prepare slides for the presentation and share the screen to show the slides in the Zoom meeting during the session.


(1) About No-Show: IEEE’s policy is that author’s must participate in the conference and present the work in person in order to include the paper in the conference proceedings. No-show at the presentation will be regarded as not participated in the conference, thus the paper will be removed from the conference proceedings in the IEEE’s Digital Library Xplore.

(2) About Internet Connectivity: To prevent the internet connection problem to hamper the presentations, an author can send us a link to a recorded presentation hosted externally on the internet. In unexpected case of broken internet connection, the recorded presentation will be played. This must NOT be used as planned no-show at presentation.

(3) Test the connection: The authors are strongly encouraged to join the Zoom rooms on Day 0 (22nd August) to test the internet connection. More information will be posted on Moodle website.

B. Sessions

There are two types of sessions in the congress: Plenary sessions and Parallel sessions.

  • Plenary session are to be participated by all participants of all conferences/workshops, etc. There will be no other event taking place at the same time. Plenary Keynotes, Opening Session, Planning meeting, Plenary Panels, Closing Session, and Best Paper Awards are plenary sessions.
  • Parallel sessions are running in parallel with some other sessions/events. Participants can join any of the parallel sessions freely at any time.


(1) Session Chairs and Helpers: Each session of the congress will have a session chair and at least one student volunteer to help the running of the session. The session chair should control the running of the session, ensuring the presentations were smoothly and timely, and questions are raised and answered in an orderly way.

(2) Recording of Sessions: All sessions will be recorded and the recorded presentations will be made available to the general public. The student helpers will take charge of the recording.

C. Online Platform

The Online platform consists of two parts: A Moodle website and Zoom rooms.

  • Moodle Website: It is the virtual space of the congress, which contains all information (or links to the information) required to participate in the congress. For example, the schedule of all events of the conferences can be found on the virtual space of Moodle website. It also contains the links to the Zoom rooms for the live presentations.
  • Zoom rooms: The conference sessions will be on the Zoom platform. In particular, each conference will have a dedicated Zoom room for the sessions of that conference. There are also two additional dedicated Zoom room(s) for informal meet-ups with the conference participants. Please joint the Zoom Room a few minutes earlier because the sessions will start on time. All the plenary sessions will in a dedicated Zoom room, too.


(1) Access to Moodle Website: The access to the Moodle website will only be available to those register to the conference. An invitation to join the Moodle website will be sent to all registered participants when it is ready. Once you receive the invitation, please react immediately following the instruction given in the invitation.

(2) Access to Zoom rooms: Links to the Zoom Rooms can be find in many different places on this virtual space (i.e. the Moodle website) as hyperlinks and you can access a room via a click on the hyperlink. Joining a Zoom room through these links will not require password and meeting IDs.

D. Contacts

If you have any queries, please feel free to contact me and/or the Chair of Online Event Dr. Bedour Alshaigy by email at and respectively.

Paper Submission & Publication

Papers must be written in English. All papers must be prepared in the IEEE double column proceedings format. Please see the following link for details: Research papers are limited to 8 pages, survey papers are limited to 10 pages, and experience/industry papers are limited to 6 pages. Authors must submit their papers at the Easychair platform. 

Important Dates

  • Full paper submission:
    May. 22, 2021
  • Workshop/Tutorial proposals:
    Mar. 1, 2021
  • Notification:
    Jun. 27, 2021
  • Final Paper and Registration:
    Jul. 15, 2021
  • Conference:
    Aug. 23-26, 2021


Joint Steering Committee Board for Joint IEEE Conferences

  • Axel Küpper, Technische Universität Berlin/Telekom Innovation Laboratories, Germany
  • Cristian Borcea, New Jersey of Institute of Technology, USA
  • Guido Wirtz, University of Bamberg, Germany
  • Hauiming Wang, National University of Defense Technology, China
  • Hong Zhu, Oxford Brookes University, UK
  • Jerry Gao, San Jose State University, USA (Executive Chair)
  • Jie Xu, University of Leeds, UK
  • Longbin Cao, University of Technology Sydney, AU
  • Sato Hiroyuki, University of Tokyo, Japan
  • W. T. Tsai, Arizona State University, USA

Joint Chair of Virtual Event

  • Dr. Bedour Alsaighy

General Chair

  • Paul Townend, Umea University, Umea, Sweden
  • Sean HeUniversity of Technology, Sydney, Australia

Conference Co-Chair

  • Sean He, University of Technology Sydney, AU

General Executive Chair

  • Hong Zhu, Oxford Brookes University, UK

Program Chair

  • Faycal Bensaali, Qatar University, Qatar
  • Iraklis Varlamis, Harokopio University of Athens, Greece
  • Vania Bogorny, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil

Proceedings Chair

  • Guoyan Xu, San Jose State University, USA

Publication Chair

  • Bedour Alshaigy, Oxford Brookes University, UK

Demo & Special track Chair

  • Katerina Potika, San Jose State University, USA

Big Data Challenge Chair

  • Abel Souza, University of Massachusetts, USA