The 6th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII 2015)
Sep 21, 2015 – Sep 24, 2015
Xian, China
The Association for the Advancement of Affective Computing (AAAC, invites you to join us at our sixth International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII2015), which will be held in the historic city Xi’an, China on September 21-24, 2015.
The Conference series on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction is the premier international forum interdisciplinary research on the design of systems that can recognize, interpret, and simulate human emotions and related affective phenomena.
A theme of this ACII2015 will be to emphasize the biological underpinnings of affective computing. Within affective science more broadly, there is an explosion of interest in a range of biological processes that underlie and shape emotion experience including a growing understanding of how emotion is represented in the brain (through neuro-anatomy a neural imaging), how it prepares and shapes the body (through hormonal, metabolic and cardiovascular changes) and even how certain genes can underlie affective dispositions edition. Submissions that relate these biological foundations to the design of computational systems are especially encouraged.
A selection of the best articles at ACII2015 will be invited to submit extended versions to IEEE’s Transactions on Affective Computing (Impact Factor: 3.467). These will be published in a “Best of ACII” special issue of this premier journal.
The meeting will be jointly hosted by the National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition and Northwestern Polytechnical University, China. Xi’an, enjoying the equal fame with Athens, Cairo, and Rome as one of the four major ancient civilization capitals, is the eastern terminus of the Silk Road and owns the terra cotta warriors, the eighth wonder of the world.
The conference will address, but is not limited to, the following topics:
Recognition and Synthesis of Human Affect
- Facial and Body Gesture Recognition, Modelling and Animation
- Affective Speech Analysis, Recognition and Synthesis
- Recognition and Synthesis of Auditory Affect Bursts (Laughter, Cries, etc.)
- Motion Capture for Affect Recognition
- Affect Recognition from Alternative Modalities (Physiology, Brain Waves, etc.)
- Affective Text Processing and Sentiment Analysis
- Multimodal Data Fusion for Affect Recognition
- Synthesis of Multimodal Affective Behavior
- Affective Interfaces
- Design of Affective Loop and Affective Dialogue Systems
- Human-Centred Human-Behaviour-Adaptive Interfaces
- Interfaces for Attentive & Intelligent Environments
- Mobile, Tangible and Virtual/Augmented Multimodal Proactive Interfaces
- Distributed/Collaborative Multimodal Proactive Interfaces
- Tools and System Design Issues for Building Affective and Proactive Interfaces
- Evaluation of Affective, Behavioural, and Proactive Interfaces
- Psychology & Cognition of Affect in Affective Computing Systems
- Computational Models of Emotional Processes
- Issues in Psychology & Cognition of Affect in Affective Computing Systems
- Cultural Differences in Affective Design and Interaction
- Ethical Issues in Affective Computing
- Affective and Social Robotics and Virtual Agents
- Emotion in Robot and Virtual Agent Cognition and Action
- Embodied Emotion
- Biologically-Inspired Architectures for Affective and Social Robotics
- Developmental and Evolutionary Models for Affective and Social Robotics
- Models of Emotion for Embodied Conversational Agents
- Personality in Embodied Conversational Agents
- Memory, Reasoning, and Learning in Affective Conversational Agents Affective Biometrics
- Affective Biometrics
- Affective Databases and Annotation Tools
- Applications (Virtual Reality, Entertainment, Education, Ambient Intelligence, etc.)
Important Dates
Paper Submission Deadline | 24th April, 2015 |
Notification of Acceptance | 26th June, 2015 |
Camera Ready Papers Due | 24th July, 2015 |
Conference | 21st-24th, September, 2015 |