The 43rd IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2024)

Selected Areas in Communications-Social Networks

8-12 December 2024 Cape Town, South Africa

Symposium Co-Chair

  • Anna Maria Vegni, Roma Tre University, Italy –

Scope and Motivation

Research on social networks has kept increasing due to the impact of online social networks and their applications. There are several challenges in social networks that still need to be investigated, such as developing social-aware techniques for wireless networks, designing novel frameworks for data propagation and routing in social networks, analyzing the social media and evolutions of social graphs, and investigating security, privacy and trustworthiness issues. The Social Networks Symposium welcomes contributions and participation from both academic and industry researchers working in the areas of social networking technologies, communication protocols, architectures, and services. This symposium aims to serve as an international forum where experts, researchers, and practitioners from academia, industry, and government can exchange ideas and novel results on research and development in all the aspects of social networks. The main goal is to present the latest advances of the ongoing research, as well as to highlight future directions in social networks and their applications. Interdisciplinary research papers among social science, information theory and computer science are also welcome. The SAC on Social Networks is sponsored by IEEE ComSoc Social Networks (TCSN) technical committee, and Social Internet of Anything Special Interest Group.

Topics of Interest

The SAC on Social Networks seeks original contributions in the following topical areas, plus others that are not explicitly listed but are closely related:

  • Features of social networking for communications
  • Social networking for Internet-of-Things, Internet of Vehicles, Internet of Drones, and Internet of Anythings
  • Network architectures, frameworks and protocol design for social networks
  • Cross-layer design for social networks
  • Social network analysis for communication protocols and signal processing
  • Network graph modeling, measurements, simulations, and experiments
  • Analysis of dynamics, propagation and control of consensus in the social networks
  • Social networking for AR/VR/XR and Metaverse
  • Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence for social media and social networks
  • Security, trustworthiness and privacy issues in social networks
  • Multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary topics on social networks


  • Paper Submissions: 30 April 2024  (23:59 EDT) (Last Extension)
  • Acceptance Notification: 1 August 2024
  • Accepted Author Registration: 1 September 2024
  • Camera-Ready: 1 September 2024
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