The 32nd IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2013)
Selected Areas in Communication Symposium – Social Networks Track
9-13 December, 2013
Atlanta, Gegorgia, USA
Track Chair
- Kwang-Cheng Chen, National Taiwan University
Scope and Topics of Interest
Social networks contribute a good portion of Internet traffic nowadays and thus attract tremendous research interests. Social networks have been studied for decades, outside the scope of technological networks. Social networks treating relationship as connections to form networks emerge in mobile Internet and mobile computing/communications, as the foundation of popular personalized but anonymous applications/services of cloud-based networking and communication infrastructure. Recent advances in network science and close interactions on Internet further bring attention to interplay between technological networks and social networks. In light of this trend, this track will focus on (but will not be limited to) the following potential subjects of interests, particularly related to communication and network technologies:
- Influence, reputation, recommendation, community structure, advertisement, etc. based on social network modeling and analysis, measurements, and experiments, for big data from large social networks
- Analytical techniques as a foundation to enable social networks of massive networked (big) data (e.g., belief and message propagation, computational intelligence and machine learning, game and economical analysis, graph theoretical analysis)
- Trusted networking, privacy and security, user behaviors and dynamics, and digital right management, for big data from social networks
- System architecture, protocols, middleware and software engineering, terminal technology, user experience and interface technology, deployment and operations, and standards, for social networks
- Social networks applications and services to mobile Internet, multimedia networks, mobile-commerce, cyber-physical systems, and their potential social, economic, and cultural impacts
- Interplay between social networks and physical communications, such as deriving social interactions from (mobile) communication networks, and social network characterization from wireless communication theory
- Social networks influence on (wireless) communications systems and networks and subsequent new design paradigm of future (wireless) communications
- Applications of large social network analysis and relational structure of social networks to design advanced wireless communication networks, and interplay with network science areas such as physics and biology
Submission Guidelines
Prospective authors are invited to submit original technical papers by the deadline of 15 March 2013 for publication in the IEEE Globecom 2013 Conference Proceedings and for presentation at the conference. Submissions will be accepted through EDAS. All submissions must be written in English and be at most six (6) printed pages in length, including figures.
For full details, please visit the following website: