The 29th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 2018)

Special Session SS1: Mobile Social Networks

Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, September 10-12 (depending on overall schedule)

Bologna, Italy

Special Session Organiser(s): Anna Maria Vegni, Roma Tre University; Valeria Loscrì, INRIA Lille-Nord Europe; Pietro Manzoni, Universitat Politècnica de València

Motivation and Background

The increasing popularity of mobile devices and the development of the wireless technologies allow humans and “things” to be connected ubiquitously. The mobility of the devices hinders maintaining the end-to-end path between source node and destination node. Researchers introduced the analysis of nodes’ social behaviour to solve the problem of data dissemination in these networks, leading to the appearance of the Mobile Social Networks (MSNs). These networks increase the performance of data forwarding using the social relationships and interactions among nodes. Many schemes and algorithms have been proposed to enhance data forwarding performance and provide novel services by introducing social features and digging social properties.

In this Special Session on Mobile Social Networks we are interested in the research activities related with the architectures and evolutionary process of the MSNs. We are therefore seeking original, previously unpublished papers empirically addressing key issues and challenges in the MSNs arena. We will look for works on experiences with the design, implementation, deployment, operation and evaluation of novel communication approaches and systems for MSNs in the emerging cooperative environments.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Caching placement
  • Context-aware event recommendation
  • Dynamic Service Collaboration and Human Computer Interaction
  • Exploiting Social Ties for Cooperative Mobile Social Networking
  • Fog computing approaches in Mobile Social Networks
  • Mobile Crowdsourcing
  • Mobile social Internet of Things
  • Mobile social networking services for challenged environments
  • Mobile social networking services for urban community disaster response
  • Optimization for Cross-Layer Design and Resource Allocation in Mobile Social Networks
  • Privacy and Security in Mobile Social Networks
  • Privacy-Preserving Mechanisms in Mobile Social Networks
  • Resource Management and User Behaviours in Mobile Social Networks
  • Service discovery in Mobile Social Networks
  • Vehicular Social Networks
  • Small-world theory for Mobile Social Networks

Submission Guidelines

Prospective authors are invited to submit technical papers of their previously unpublished work. Accepted special session papers
will be part of the Conference Proceedings and will be uploaded to IEEE Xplore. Papers should be submitted via EDAS; the links are
available at under “Authors”. Papers should follow the same Author guidelines of the general
symposium, which are available at

Key Dates

  • Paper submission: May 18, 2018
  • Acceptance notification: June 15, 2018
  • Final paper due: June 29, 2018