The 17th IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC 2016)

July 3-6, 2016

Edinburgh, UK


Call for Papers

Prospective authors are invited to by the deadline listed above submit original papers in the following areas but not limited to

  • Smart antennas and MIMO systems, large scale MIMO
  • Single-carrier, multi-carrier, and multi-rate systems
  • Multiple-access and broadcast channels, multi-user receivers
  • Signal processing for ad-hoc, multi-hop, and sensor networks
  • Cooperative communication, coordinated multipoint transmission and reception
  • Distributed resource allocation and scheduling
  • Energy efficient, green, radios and radars
  • Interference alignment and management, dynamic spectrum management
  • Heterogeneous networks, small cells
  • Millimeter wave, 60GHz communications
  • Modeling, estimation and equalization of wireless channels
  • Acquisition, synchronization, and tracking
  • Compensation of transceiver front end non-idealities
  • Full duplex systems
  • Physical layer security
  • Feedback in wireless networks
  • Cognitive radio and networks
  • Cooperative sensing, compressed sensing, and sparse signal processing
  • Ultra-wideband radio, localization, RFID
  • Cross-layer issues, joint source-channel coding, delay-limited communication
  • Signal processing for optical and satellite communications
  • Signal processing for nano- and molecular communications
  • Emerging techniques and technologies, 5G
  • large networks and large data (BigData)
  • Visible light communications
  • Defense and emergency communications
  • Energy efficiency and energy harvesting
  • Underwater communications
  • Social networks
  • Coding for 5G
  • Machine to machine communications

Full papers of up to a six-page limit should be submitted via EDAS, and will be subject to peer review by the TPC. All papers will be presented as posters in various poster sessions.


Paper Submission March 13, 2016
Acceptance Notification April 12, 2016
Final Paper Due May 10, 2016

Important notes

Authors are required to submit material that is original and that has not been published, or submitted for consideration, elsewhere. Any accepted paper included in the final program is expected to have at least one author or qualified proxy attend and present the paper at the conference. Authors of the accepted papers included in the final program who do not attend and present at the conference will be added to a “No-Show List”.