The 11th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom 2012)

25-27 June 2012

Liverpool, England, UK

Sponsored by IEEE, IEEE Computer Society and IEEE Technical Committee of Scalable Computing (TCSC)


With rapid development and increasing complexity of computer and communications systems and networks, user requirements for trust, security and privacy are becoming more and more demanding. However, there is a grand challenge that traditional security technologies and measures may not meet user requirements in open, dynamic, heterogeneous, mobile, wireless, and distributed computing environments. Therefore, we need to build systems and networks in which various applications allow users to enjoy more comprehensive services while preserving trust, security and privacy at the same time. As useful and innovative technologies, trusted computing and communications are attracting researchers with more and more attention.

The 11th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (IEEE TrustCom-12) will be held in Liverpool, United Kingdom in June 25-27, 2012. It follows the success of TrustCom-11 in Changsha, China. The conference aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners in the world working on trusted computing and communications, with regard to trust, security, privacy, reliability, dependability, survivability, availability, and fault tolerance aspects of computer systems and networks, and providing a forum to present and discuss emerging ideas and trends in this highly challenging research field.

Scope and Interests

IEEE TrustCom-12 is an international conference for presenting and discussing emerging ideas and trends in trusted computing and communications in computer systems and networks from both the research community as well as the industry. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Trust Track

  • Trust semantics, metrics and models
  • Trusted computing platform
  • Trusted network computing
  • Trusted operating systems
  • Trusted software and applications
  • Trust in social networks
  • Trust in e-commerce and e-government
  • Trust in mobile and wireless communications
  • Risk and reputation management
  • Survivable computer systems/networks
  • Miscellaneous trust issues

Security Track

  • Network security
  • Computer security
  • Database security
  • Web applications security
  • Security policy, model and architecture
  • Security in social networks
  • Security in parallel and distributed systems
  • Security in mobile and wireless communications
  • Security in grid/cloud/pervasive computing
  • Authentication, authorization and accounting
  • Miscellaneous security issues

Privacy Track

  • Privacy in Web-based applications and services
  • Privacy in database systems
  • Privacy in parallel and distributed systems
  • Privacy in grid/cloud/pervasive computing
  • Privacy in mobile and wireless communications
  • Privacy in e-commerce and e-government
  • Privacy in network deployment and management
  • Privacy and trust
  • Privacy and security
  • Privacy and anonymity
  • Miscellaneous privacy issues

Important Dates

Submission Deadline 27 February, 2012
Authors Notification 08 April, 2012
Final Manuscript Due 08 May, 2012
Registration Due 08 May, 2012
Conference Date 25-27 June, 2012

Paper Submission Guideline

All papers need to be submitted electronically through the conference website ( with PDF format. The materials presented in the papers should not be published or under submission elsewhere. Submit a full paper upto 8 pages (IEEE Computer Society Proceedings Manuscripts style: two columns, single-spaced), including figures and references, using 10 fonts, and number each page. You can confirm the IEEE Computer Society Proceedings Author Guidelines at the following web page:

Once accepted, the paper will be included into the IEEE conference proceedings published by IEEE Computer Society Press (indexed by EI). Authors (at least one) of any accepted paper are requested to register at the conference.