IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing
Special Issue on Cyber Social Computing and Cyber-Enabled Applications
In the past several years, we have seen dramatic advancement in many application domains enabled by the use of emerging computing technologies and novice computational paradigms, as well as intelligent processing algorithms and methodologies. These emerging technologies are transforming our society, and have enormous economic impact from various aspects beyond people’s expectation. Thus, this special issue on Cyber Social Computing and Cyber-Enabled Applications aims to bring together researchers and engineers from all related areas in computer science and intelligent information processing to disseminate their findings on the computational theories, models, and technological solutions in terms of cyber-enabled applications with the cyber social computing paradigm. Therefore, this special issue will have a great significance and profound impact on the following computing-related topics:
- Presenting emerging research and developments in the cyber social computing field.
- Addressing the basic computational models and intelligent processing methodologies related to cyber social computing and cyber-enabled applications.
- Enabling and facilitating practical computing and intelligence technologies to realize foundational frameworks, new functions, and adaptive services for cyber-enabled applications.
- Exploring interests to seek potential collaborations, and push forward the development of cyber social computing with other related frontiers.
Topics may include (but are not limited to):
- User Behavior Analysis, Modeling and Intelligent Data Processing in Social Cyberspace
- User Influence Measure Modeling and Computing in Social Cyberspace
- Community Detection and Structural Analysis Computing in Social Cyberspace
- Information Diffusion, Processing and Sharing across Multiple Social Cyberspaces
- Cyber-Physical Hybrid System Design and Computational Implementation
- Semantic Social Network Analysis and Semantic Information Processing
- Data-Driven Interdisciplinary Modeling and Computational Analysis
- Cyber-Social Data Processing and Intelligence Mining
- Knowledge Processing and Management in Cyber-Social Networks
- Cyber-Empowered Sentiment Analysis and Intelligence Computing
- Cyber-Physical Healthcare Services and Intelligent Processing
- Cyber-Enabled Learning Analytics and Intelligent Data Processing
- Computational Trust and Reputation Modeling in Social Cyberspace
- Privacy and Security in Social Cyberspace
Submission Guidelines
Submitted articles must not have been previously published or currently submitted for journal publication elsewhere.Authors of selected papers accepted and later presented at 2016 IEEE Cyber Science and Technology Congress (CyberSciTech 2016, will be invited to submit an extended version of their papers (with significant new material). The conference paper must be cited in the main text and the cover letter must clearly describe the differences with the conference version and clearly identify the new contributions. As an author, you are responsible for understanding and adhering to our submission guidelines. You can access them at the IEEE Computer Society web site, Please submit your paper to Manuscript Central at
Submission Deadline | December 1, 2016 |
Reviews Completed | March 1, 2017 |
Major Revisions Due (if Needed) | April 1, 2017 |
Reviews of Revisions Completed (if Needed) | May 1, 2017 |
Minor Revisions Due (if Needed) | June 1, 2017 |
Notification of Final Acceptance | August 1, 2017 |
Publication Materials for Final Manuscripts Due | September 1, 2017 |
Publication date | Last Issue of 2017 (December Issue) |
Guest Editors
- Dr. Weimin Li, Shanghai University, China, email:
- Dr. Qun Jin, Waseda University, Japan, email:
- Dr. Kun Yang, University of Essex, UK, email:
- Dr. Sethuraman Panchanathan, Arizona State University, USA. email: