The 35th IEEE Global Communications Conference (GlOBECOM 2016)

4-8 December 2016

Washington, DC USA

Call for Papers for

Selected Areas in Communication Symposium-Social Networks Track


Scope and Motivation

Online social networks generate a significant share of the Internet traffic and have become a dominant form of social interaction on the Internet. This recent development brings significant research interests on the interplay between physical communications networks and social networks. Due to its increasing prevalence and interdisciplinary nature, social networks have also attracted research attention to a number of related technical areas, including cloud computing, big data analytics, data mining, information security and privacy protection.

Main Topics of Interest

In light of this trend, the Selected Areas on Communication Symposium, Social Networks Track solicits original research papers on topics including, but not limited to:

  • Knowledge discovery with big mobile data analytics and information dissemination and propagation in social networks
  • Rumor source localization in large scale, real world social networks
  • Social network modeling, analysis, measurements, and experiments using big data and data mining for better understanding of social network influence, reputation, recommendation, community structure, and advertisement etc.
  • Convergence and interplay between social networks and the underlying communications platforms, including characterization of social interactions in mobile communication networks and analysis of social network from communication theory perspective
  • Influence of social networks on communications networks design and operation as well as subsequent development of new paradigms of future communications networks
  • Numerical and analytical techniques as a foundation to enable social networks of massive networked (big) data (e.g., belief and message propagation, computational intelligence and machine learning, game and economical analysis, graph theoretical analysis etc.)
  • Trusted networking, privacy and security, user behavior and dynamics, and digital right management for big data from social networks
  • System architecture, protocols, middleware and software engineering, terminal technology, user experience and interface technology, deployment and operations, and standards for social networks
  • Social networks applications and services to mobile Internet, multimedia networks, mobile-commerce, cyber-physical systems, and their potential social, economic, and cultural impacts
  • New applications of large social network analysis and relational structure of social networks to design advanced wireless communication networks, and interplay with network science areas such as physics and biology

Submission Deadline

  • April 15, 2016

Sponsoring Technical Committees

  • Technical Committee on Social Networks

How to Submit a Paper

The IEEE Globecom 2016 website provides full instructions on how to submit papers.  You will select the desired symposium when submitting.

Track Chair

  • K.P. (Suba) Subbalakshmi


K.P. (Suba) Subbalakshmi is a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Stevens Institute of Technology, NJ, USA. Her research interests are in Cognitive Radio Networks and Security, Cognitive Cloud Computing, Social Media Analysis and Forensics. She is a US Jefferson Science Fellow, 2016. She is a Subject Matter Expert for the National Spectrum Consortium, USA. She is a Founding Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking as well as an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. She is the Founding Chair of the Special Interest Group on Security, IEEE COMSOC’s Technical Committee on Cognitive Networks. She is a recipient of the New Jersey Inventors Hall of Fame, Innovator Award She has given several tutorials, keynote addresses and invited talks in her areas of interest at several conferences. Suba is also the Co-founder and Chief Scientist of two technology start-up companies.