The 5th IEEE International Conference On Big Data Service And Applications (IEEE Big Data Service 2019)
April 4 – 9, 2019
San Francisco East Bay, California, USA
Big-Data computing and services have received significant attention in recent years. The IEEE BigDataService 2019 aims to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to exchange innovative ideas, latest research results, and practice experiences and lessons learned. Its major objectives include big-data applications in various domains such as healthcare, business and financing, education and learning, social networks and media, urban and environment, sensors and Internet of things as well as technology aspects of big data computing and services such as computing services and architecture, modeling, data mining and analytics. The conference will be co-located with IEEE SOSE 2019, IEEE Mobile Cloud 2019, IEEE DAPPCON 2019 and IEEE Artificial IntelligenceTesting 2019
IEEE BigDataService 2019 will consist of main tracks and special tracks. The conference will include 3 International Workshops of Smart City Big Data Analysis, Big Data in Water Resources, Environment, and Hydraulic from Engineering, and Industry Big Data and Signal Processing. Workshop proposal is due 10/15/2018. The conference seeks the submission of high-quality papers limited to 10 pages (IEEE format) in length. All accepted papers will be included in the proceedings. Selected papers will be invited for extension and published in journals (SCI-Index).
- Big Data Foundations
- Foundational theoretical or computational models for big data
- Programming models, theories, and algorithms for big data
- Standards, protocols, and quality assurance for big data
- Big Data Platforms and Technologies
- Innovative, concurrent, and scalable big data platforms
- Data indexing, cleaning, transformation, and curation technologies
- Big data processing frameworks and technologies
- Big data services and application development methods and tools
- Big data quality evaluation and assurance technologies
- Big data system reliability and availability
- Open-source development and technology for big data
- Big Data as a Service (BDaaS) platform and technologies
- Big Data Analytics and Services
- Algorithms and systems for big data search, analytics and visualization
- Artificial Intelligence for big data and based on big data
- Visualization analytics for big data
- Knowledge extraction, discovery, analysis, presentation, and visualization
- Big Data Applications and Experiences
- Innovative big data applications and services in industries and domains e.g. healthcare, finance, insurance, transportation, agriculture, education, environment, multi-media, social networks, urban planning, disaster management, security
- Experiences and case studies of big data applications and services
- Real-world and large-scale practices of big data
- Emerging Topics
- Sensor networks and Internet of Things
- Networking and protocols
- Smart City
- Big Data Foundations
- Special Track on Real-time Big Data Services and Applications
- Models, algorithms, and technologies for real-time big data services and applications
- Experiences, practices and case studies of real-time big data services and applications
- Special Track on Big Data Security, Privacy and Trust
- Models, algorithms and technologies for big data security and integrity
- Practical security and privacy technologies and applications for big data
- Special Track on Big Data and analytics for Healthcare
- Models, algorithms, and technologies of big data for healthcare
- Big data services and applications for healthcare
- Experiences, practices and case studies of big data technologies for healthcare
Important Dates
- Workshop/Tutorial proposals: Oct. 15, 2018
- Full paper submission: Dec. 14, 2018
- Notification: Jan. 10, 2019
- Final Paper and Registration: Jan. 31, 2019
- Conference: Apr. 4 – 9, 2019
Contact Information
Feel free to contact us for any questions or suggestions.
- Simon Shim:
- Fanjing Meng:
Organizing Committee
Joint Steering Committee Board for Joint IEEE Conference
- Axel Küpper, Technische Universität Berlin/Telekom Innovation Laboratories, Germany
- Cristian Borcea, New Jersey of Institute of Technology, USA
- Guido Wirtz, University of Bamberg, Germany
- Hauiming Wang, National University of Defense Technology, China
- Hong Zhu, Oxford Brookes University, UK
- Jerry Gao, San Jose State University, USA (Executive Chair)
- Jie Xu, University of Leeds, UK
- Longbin Cao, University of Technology Sydney, AU
- Sato Hiroyuki, University of Tokyo, Japan
- W. T. Tsai, Arizona State University, USA
Honorary Chair
- Shi-Kuo Chang, San Jose State University, USA
General Chair
- Simon Shim, San Jose State University, USA
- Sudip Bhattacharjee, University of Connecticut, USA
- Xiaohui Yuan, University of North Texas, USA
General Executive Chair
- Hong Zhu, Oxford Brookes University, UK
- Jerry Gao, San Jose State University, USA
Program Chair
- Fanjing Meng, IBM Research, China
- Muhammad Younas, Oxford Brookes University, UK
- Vijayan Sugumaran, Oakland University, USA
Workshop Chair
- Ping Ping, Hohai University, China
Publication Chair
- Pengcheng Zhang, Hohai University, China
Registration Chair
- Hyeran Jeon, San Jose State University, USA
Publicity Chair
- Birsen Sirkeci, San Jose State University, USA
Finance Chair
- Chuli Xie, Jiangsu Normal University, China
- Jerry Gao, San Jose State University, USA
Industrial Track Chair
- Jun Huang, Google, Inc.
- Sourav Mazumder, IBM
PC Co-Chair
- Birsen Sirkeci, San Jose State University, USA
- Vijayan Sugumaran, Oakland University, USA
- Nora Liu, San Jose State University, USA
- Everette Li, San Jose State University, USA
Program Committee
- Barbara Pernici, Politecnico di Milano
- Cheng Yuan, California State University, Sacramento
- Chentao Wu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
- Chris Gniady, University of Arizona
- Chuanqi Tao, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
- Dai Hua, Nanjing University of Post and Technology
- Dana Petcu, West University of Timisoara
- Deze Zeng, The University of Aizu
- Djamal Benslimane, Lyon 1 University
- Domenico Talia, University of Calabria
- Donggang Cao, Peking University
- Felix Gessert, University of Hamburg
- Feng Mao, Walmat Labs
- Genoveva Vargas Solar, CNRS-LIG-LAFMIA
- Giuliana Vitiello, University of Salerno
- Gofman Mikhail, California State University at Fullerton
- Han Wenlin, California State University, Fullerton
- Hejun Wu, SYSU
- Heng Qi, Dalian University of Technology
- Holger Stenzhorn, University of Tübingen
- Hong-Linh Truong, Vienna University of Technology
- Hsuanwei Chen, San Jose State University
- Huawei Huang, Kyoto University
- Hui Yang, San Francisco State University
- Imen Megdiche, IRIT
- Iraklis Varlamis, Harokopio University of Athens
- Jianguo Liu, University of North Texas
- Jinoh Kim, Texas A&M University-Commerce
- Jiwon Seo, Hanyang University
- José Luis Oliveira, University of Aveiro
- Juan Antonio Rico Gallego, University of Extremadura
- Khouloud Boukadi, University of Sfax-Tunisia
- Lihui Lei, Shaanxi Normal University
- Lorena González Manzano, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
- Madhusudhanan Balasubramanian, University of Memphis
- Magdalini Eirinaki, San Jose State University
- Massimo Mecella, Sapienza University of Rome
- Mohamed Elhoseny, Mansoura University, Egypt
- Nader Mohamed, Middleware Technologies Lab
- Nelio Cacho, UFRN
- Pablo Casaseca, University of the West of Scotland
- Paolo Nesi, University of Florence, DISIT Lab
- Peng Zhang, Stony Brook University
- Pengcheng Zhang, College of Computer and Information, Hohai University
- Pengfei Chen, Sun Yat-sen University
- Pietro Colombo, Università dell’Insubria
- Predrag Tosic, Washington State University, USA
- Qian Zhang, Northeastern University
- Rafael C Jimenez, ELIXIR
- Salima Benbernou, Université Paris Descartes
- Schahram Dustdar, Vienna University of Technology
- Shigeng Zhang, Central South University
- Shuai Che, AMD
- Sundeep Narravula, Electronic Arts
- Surapong Auwatanamongkol, National Institute of Development Administration
- Suzanne McIntosh, New York University
- Traian Marius Truta, Northern Kentucky University
- Ugochukwu Etudo, University of Connecticut School of Business
- Vishnu Pendyala, santa clara university
- Wengang Feng, People’s Public Security University of China
- Xiang Zhao, National University of Defense Technology
- Xin Cao, University of New South Wales
- Xin Xu, George Washington University
- Xu Han, Florida Atlantic University
- Yantao Li, College of William and Mary
- YingHua Huang, San Jose State University
- Yinghui Pan, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics
- Yingke Chen, Sichuan University
- Younghee Park, San Jose State University
- Yu Liang, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
- Yutao Ma, Wuhan University
- Zhaotai Pan, IBM Research China
- Zhengtao Yu, Kunming University of Science and Technology
- Zongqing Zhou, Niagara university