The 50th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN 2020)

Jun 29, 2020 – Jul 2, 2020

Valencia, Spain

Call For Papers

The Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN) has pioneered the fusion between dependability and security research, understanding the need to simultaneously fight against accidental faults, intentional cyber-attacks, design errors, and unexpected operating conditions.

Its distinctive approach to both accidental and malicious faults made DSN the most prestigious international forum for presenting research furthering robustness and resilience of today’s wide spectrum of computing systems and networks, with dependability embracing security aspects under a common body of knowledge.

All aspects on the research and practice of dependability and applied security are within the scope of DSN. Relevant topics include innovative architectures, protocols, and algorithms, for preventing, detecting, recovering, diagnosing or eliminating accidental and malicious threats as well as experimentation with and assessment of dependable and secure systems and networks.

Topics of interest

  • Authors are invited to submit original papers on the DSN’s current thematic areas of emphasis:
  • Hardware (e.g., microprocessors, memories, system on chip, I/O devices, storage systems, trusted computing)
  • Software (e.g., applications, middleware, operating systems)
  • Networks (e.g., wireless networks, mobility, software-defined networking, edge computing, network on chip, intrusion detection systems, network security)
  • Clouds (e.g., cloud storage, computing, platforms, applications, blockchain, cloud security and privacy)
  • Cyber-physical systems (e.g., embedded systems, real-time critical systems, internet of things, smart grid, automotive, aerospace, medical, autonomous systems)
  • Socio-technical systems (e.g., virtual worlds, human-computer interaction, social networking)
  • Models and Methodologies for programming, evaluating, verifying, and assessing dependable and secure systems (e.g., performance and dependability evaluation, analytical and numerical methods, simulation, experimentation, benchmarking, verification, field data analysis)

Information to authors

Innovative papers in other areas of dependable and secure systems and networks will also be considered. Papers will be assessed with criteria appropriate to each category. The conference favors work that explores new territory, continues a significant research dialogue, or reflects on experience with (or measurements of) state-of-the-art implementations. Submissions will be judged on originality, significance, correctness and impact.

Research Papers, Practical Experience Reports, and Tool Descriptions will be refereed and included in the Proceedings of the DSN 2020, if accepted.

All contributions must be written in English. IEEE Computer Society will publish accepted contributions.

At least one author of every accepted paper is expected to register (as a regular registration) for the conference and present the work.

Local Information

This DSN edition will be very special not only because we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the conference, but also because it is the first time the conference comes to Spain, and more precisely to the city of València. The city is located on Spain’s eastern coast. It is situated on the shores of the Mediterranean, a stretch of water which has gradually forged the city’s character over the centuries. València’s geographical location makes it an excellent operational base from which to explore the rest of Spain. At just an hour and a half from Madrid by train, three hours from Barcelona by car, and with daily departures to the Balearic Islands, the capital of the Mediterranean is well worth a visit. Bask in the city’s pleasant climate, stroll along its wide sandy beaches, just fifteen minutes from the centre of València, catch a glimpse of its past, sample the local cuisine and discover the richness of its culture.

Important Dates

  • Dec. 03, 2019: Abstract submission deadline
  • Dec. 13, 2019: Paper submission deadline
  • Feb. 17, 19, 2020: Author rebuttal period
  • Mar. 04, 2020: Notification to authors

Further information

For more and updated information, please check the call in the conference website (

You can follow DSN2020 through its Website ( or on Twitter ( or LinkedIn (

Honorary Chair
Algirdas Avizienis
General Chairs
Pedro J. Gil-Vicente
Juan-Carlos Ruiz-Garcia
Universitat Politècnica de València
Program coordination chair
Karthik Pattabiraman
University of British Columbia
Research Track Chairs
Kaustubh Joshi
Haining Wang
AT&T Labs – Research
Virginia Tech
Industrial Track Chairs
Wilfried Steiner
Harigovind V. (Hari) Ramasamy
Workshop Chairs
Domenico Cotroneo
Cristina Nita-Rotaru
Federico II University of Naples
Northeastern University
Doctoral Forum Chairs
Sara Bouchenak
Saman Aliari Zonouz
Rutgers University
Fast Abstracts & Posters Chairs
Nuno Antunes
Fumio Machida
University of Coimbra
University of Tsukuba
Tutorial Chairs
Francois Taiani
Saurabh Bagchi
Univ. Rennes, CNRS, Inria, IRISA
Purdue University
Publication Chairs
David de Andrés Martínez
Michael Lauer
Universitat Politècnica de València
Publicity Chairs
Ilir Gashi
Elias P. Duarte Jr.
Sy-Yen Kuo
Robert S. Swarz
City Univ. of London
Federal University of Paraná
National Taiwan University
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Fundraising Chair
Leilo di Martino
Nokia Bell Labs
Financial Chair
Juan-Carlos Baraza
Universitat Politècnica de València
Local Arrangements Chairs
Daniel Gil
Luis-José Saiz
Universitat Politècnica de València
Web Masters
Joaquín Gracia
Universitat Politècnica de València
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