The 2018 IEEE-TTTC International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics (AQTR 2018)

May 24-26 2018

Cluj-Napoca, Romania

About AQTR Conference

The Organizing Committee has the pleasure of inviting you to participate in the International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics, AQTR 2018 (THETA 21), which will be held in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, on May 24-26 2018. The conference follows the tradition of the 20 automation and testing-related scientific events, organized in Cluj-Napoca since 1981 under the name THETA/AQTR.

AQTR 2018 is an international forum for researchers in the field of automation, quality, testing and robotics. It will bring together researchers, equipment manufacturers, software developers and end-users to discuss the current trends and future directions of control and testing technologies and their industrial and social applications in the private and the public sectors. Active participation of students and graduate students is strongly encouraged.

Accepted papers will be included in IEEE Xplore and submitted for ISI indexing (the previous three editions are indexed in ISI Web of Science).


Control systems
Modeling and simulation, fault-detection and isolation, fault models, control methods, real-time systems, decision support systems, distributed systems, intelligent systems, embedded systems.

Quality and Testing
Dependable systems, automatic test generation, design for testability, built-in self-test/repair, reliability, software testing, system testing, service testing, QoS, quality of experiments, networking and security, field trials and deployment, advanced metering infrastructure, wide-area monitoring, technology trends and the impact on error rates.

Robot control
Mobile robots, cooperative robots, parallel structures, machine vision, sensor fusion.

Industrial applications, software applications, cyber-physical systems, large-scale and critical systems, network sensors, image processing, eHealth, eLearning, eCitizen and SmartCity.

Student forum
Student presentations in the above topics.

Special sessions
Researchers working in the conference topics are encouraged to submit proposals for organizing special sessions.

Each proposal should include a half-page description of the theme of the special session along with a list of at least five papers (authors and tentative titles) that will be submitted to the session.

The organizers may be the (co-)authors of at most two papers in the proposed session. Proposals for special sessions should be submitted to the special session chair, Mirela Dobra (mirela.trusca[at]

Papers submitted for a special session will be reviewed exactly in the same manner as the regular papers. Each session should have at least five accepted papers. The session organizers should ensure that at least one of the authors for each paper will register for the conference and present the paper.

Important dates

Event Deadline
Special session proposals January 8, 2018
Paper submission January 15, 2018
Notification of acceptance March 30, 2018
Camera-ready papers April 14, 2018
Advance registration May 04, 2018
Late registration May 9, 2018

Organizing committee

General Chairs

  • Liviu Miclea, TU Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  • Ioan Stoian, IPA Cluj-Napoca, Romania

General Vice-Chair

  • Mihail Abrudean, TU Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Program and Tutorial Chairs

  • Paula Raica, TU Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  • Dorina Căpăţînă, IPA Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Special Session Chairs

  • Mirela Dobra, TU Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Finance and Industrial Relations Chairs

  • Mihail Abrudean, TU Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  • Teodora Sanislav, TU Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  • Honoriu Vălean, TU Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Publicity Chairs

  • Iulia Ştefan, TU Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  • Ovidiu Ghiran, IPA Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Web & Publication Chairs

  • Szilárd Enyedi, TU Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  • Ovidiu Stan, TU Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  • Sorin Ignat, IPA Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Program Committee Topic Chairs

  • Tiberiu Leţia, TU Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  • Szilárd Enyedi, TU Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  • Gheorghe Lazea, TU Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  • Istvan Kovacs, IPA Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  • Adina Aştilean, TU Cluj-Napoca, Romania