The 1st IEEE Symposium on Privacy-Aware Computing (PAC 2017)

August 1-3, 2017

The George Washington University, Washington DC, USA

Call for Papers

With the continuous proliferation of diverse Internet-based computing paradigms, large amounts of data containing privacy-sensitive information are being constantly published, collected, processed, and archived. This trend will be further fueled up by the new development of IoT (Internet of Things) technologies, smart cities, e-health, e-commerce, social and behavioral studies, social networking, edge computing, and cloud computing. As a result, fast-growing concerns about data privacy from academia as well as industry emerge in recent years, which motivate researchers and practitioners to think about questions such as how to guarantee that the collected or published data are not misused; how to ensure that data processing does not disclose any sensitive information; how to store the data securely for privacy protection; how to define new privacy policies that allow desirable services; and how to make sure that privacy policies issued by government and industry are not violated.

The IEEE Symposium on Privacy-Aware Computing (IEEE PAC) brings together experts from academia, government, and industry to present and discuss recent advances and new perspectives on related research and development in privacy-aware computing. We invite original theoretical contributions as well as system implementation/experimentation works on all topics related to “making computing privacy-aware” for privacy protection. Particularly, IEEE PAC solicits unpublished results in privacy threats and vulnerabilities of emerging applications for various computing platforms (mobile, IoT, cloud, social network, etc.), privacy-aware algorithms for big data analytics and networking, novel methodologies for privacy-protection (modern cryptography, game theory, etc.), policies for privacy-aware computing, etc. Topics of interests include, but are not limited to, the following subject categories:

  • Privacy-aware mobile computing
  • Privacy-aware information retrieval
  • Privacy-aware computation outsourcing
  • Privacy-preserving data collection
  • Privacy-aware data mining and machine learning
  • Privacy-aware financial technology
  • Privacy-aware bio-computing
  • Privacy-aware social computing
  • Differential privacy and data perturbation techniques
  • Privacy-aware database systems
  • Privacy issues in wearable computing and e-healthcare
  • Privacy issues in Internet of Things
  • Privacy issues in web services
  • Privacy issues in network systems
  • Privacy issues in wireless systems
  • Privacy issues in mobile sensing
  • Privacy issues in social and behavioral studies
  • Location/Localization privacy
  • Anonymous Communications
  • Privacy issues in software defined networks
  • Privacy technologies for digital currency and mobile payment
  • Hardware-related privacy technologies
  • Privacy threats and countermeasures
  • Policy issues for privacy-aware computing

We solicit regular papers that present novel and unpublished research results. Position papers that define new problems or provide visions and clarifications in privacy-aware computing are particularly welcome. Besides, we will include an industry/government track, which will contain talks, demos, and exhibitions from non-academia organizations, to demonstrate the recent advances in privacy products and prototypes, and present and discuss critical challenges, government policies, upcoming research directions, etc. The goal of this industry/government track is to further foster collaborations between academia, industry, and government, so as to more effectively push the frontier of privacy-aware computing.

Important Dates

Submission Deadline 03/31/2017
Notification 05/31/2017
Camera-Ready Submission Date 06/20/2017