The 19th IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2018)
July 23-27, 2018
San Diego, USA
Call for Papers
The IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME) has been the multimedia conference sponsored by four IEEE societies since 2000. It serves as a forum to promote the exchange of the latest advances in multimedia technologies, systems, and applications from both the research and development perspectives of the circuits and systems, communications, computer, and signal processing communities. An exposition of multimedia products, animations and industries will be held in conjunction with the conference. The theme of the 2018 conference will be “Data-driven Media Computing”, which plays a key role in modern multimedia technologies.
ICME 2018 will showcase high quality oral and poster presentations and demonstration sessions. It will also feature IEEE societies sponsored Workshops. We welcome researchers, developers and practitioners to organize Workshops on various new emerging topics. Industrial exhibitions are held in conjunction with the main conference. Proposals for Tutorials, Special Sessions, and Demos are also invited. Please visit the ICME 2018 website for submission details.
The conference will select and recognize one diamond and six platinum awards by following the10K Best paper awards established by the ICME Steering Committee in 2017. Several other awards sponsored by industry and institutions will also be offered. Accepted papers have to be registered and presented; otherwise, they will not be included in the IEEE Xplore Library.
Authors are invited to submit a full paper (two-column format, 6 pages maximum). Reviewing will be double blind. Only electronic submissions will be accepted. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Big multimedia data design and creation
- Deep learning for multimedia
- Multimedia search and recommendation
- Multimedia content analytics
- Social and cloud-based multimedia
- 3D multimedia and AR/VR
- Multimedia quality assessment and metrics
- Multi-modal media computing and human-machine interaction
- Multimedia communications, networking and mobility
- Multimedia security, privacy and forensics
- Multimedia software, hardware and application systems
- Multimedia standards, trends and related issues
Important Dates
Date | Event |
October 02, 2017 | Special Session Proposal |
October 16, 2017 | Special Session Notification |
October 23, 2017 | Workshop Proposal Proposal |
October 23, 2017 | Panel Proposal |
October 23, 2017 | Tutorial Proposal |
November 06, 2017 | Workshop Proposal Notification |
November 06, 2017 | Panel Notification |
November 06, 2017 | Tutorial Notification |
December 15, 2017 | Regular Paper Abstract Proposal |
December 15, 2017 | Regular Paper Proposal |
March 12, 2018 | Regular Paper Notification |
March 19, 2018 | Workshop Paper Proposal |
March 19, 2018 | Demo Paper Proposal |
April 13, 2018 | Camera-Ready Regular Paper Proposal |
April 23, 2018 | Workshop Paper Notification |
April 23, 2018 | Demo Paper Notification |
May 11, 2018 | Camera-Ready Workshop Proposal |
May 11, 2018 | Camera-Ready Demo Paper Proposal |
Organizing Committee
General Chairs
- C.-C. Jay Kuo, USC, USA
- Truong Nguyen, UCSD, USA
- Wenjun Zeng, MSRA, China
Program Chairs
- Pamela Cosman, UCSD, USA
- Yap-Peng Tan, NTU, Singapore
- Sanghoon Lee, Yonsei U., Korea
- Min Chen, U. of Washington, Bothell, USA
- Mugen Peng, Beijing U of Posts & Telecom, China
- Junsong Yuan, NTU, Singapore
Plenary Chairs
- John Apostolopoulos, Cisco, USA
- Haohong Wang, TCL, USA
Workshop Chairs
- Mohan S. Kankanhalli, NUS, Singapore
- Kai Yang, Bell Labs, USA
Tutorial Chairs
- Jane Wang, UBC, Canada
- Vicky Zhao, Tsinghua, China
Panel Chairs
- Jiebo Luo, U. of Rochester, USA
- Qi Tian, UT San Antonio, USA
Special Session Chairs
- Yonggang Wen, NTU, Singapore
- Chia-Wen Lin, NTHU, Taiwan
Demo/Expo Chairs
- Michel Sarkis, Qualcomm, USA
- Heather Yu, Huawei, USA
Grand Challenges Chair
- Vasudev Bhaskaran, Qualcomm, USA
Industrial Program Chairs
- Khaled El-Maleh, Qualcomm, USA
- Felix Fernandes, Apple, USA
Student Program Chair
- Prasad Calyam, U. of Missouri, USA
Finance Chair
- Yan Sun, U. of Rhode Island, USA
Publicity Chairs
- Panayiotis Georgiou, USC, USA
- William Grosky, U. of Michigan, USA
- Mark Liao, Acad. Sinica, Taiwan
- Liang Zhou, Nanjing U. of Posts & Telecommunication, China
Registration Chair
- Yusuf Ozturk, SDSU, USA
Local/Event Chair
- Sunil Kumar, SDSU, USA