The 17th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-based Surveillance (AVSS 2020)

22-25 September

Washington DC, USA

The 17th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-based Surveillance (AVSS 2020) , sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society (PAMI TC) and the IEEE Signal Processing Society, is the premier forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the field of video and signal-based surveillance. The goal is to provide a game-changing and cross-disciplinary forum that brings together experts from academia, industry, and government to advance the frontiers of theories, methods, systems, and applications. In the year 2020, we are proud to present this event in Washington DC, USA.

Key Dates

 Challenge Proposals Due December 1st, 2019
 Workshop proposals due March 1st, 2020
 Paper Submission April 5th, 2020
 Decision to authors May 25th, 2020
 Final camera-ready papers due June 12th, 2020
 Challenge due June 12th, 2020
 Main conference Sept 22nd-25th, 2020