The 16th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR 2017)

October 9th–13th, 2017

La Cité, Nantes Events Center in Nantes (France)

ISMAR 2017, the premier conference for Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR), will be held in beautiful Nantes, France.

ISMAR is responding to the recent explosion of commercial and research activities related to AR and MR and Virtual Reality (VR) by continuing the expansion of its scope over the past several years. ISMAR 2017 will cover the full range of technologies encompassed by the MR continuum, from interfaces in the real world to fully immersive experiences. This range goes far beyond the traditional definition of AR, which focused on precise 3D tracking, visual display, and real-time performance.

We specifically invite contributions from areas such as Computer Graphics, Human-Computer Interaction, Psychology, Computer Vision, Optics, and in particular VR, and how these areas contribute to advancing AR / MR / VR technology.

Download the Call for paper in pdf

Topics of Interest

All topics relevant to AR, VR and MR are of interest. Note that VR papers are also welcome regardless of their relevance to AR/MR. Topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Information Presentation
    • Mediated and diminished reality
    • Multisensory rendering, registration, and synchronization
    • Photorealistic and non-photorealistic rendering
    • Real-time and non-real-time interactive rendering
    • Visual, aural, haptic, and olfactory augmentation
  •  Input
    • Acquisition of 3D video and scene descriptions
    • Calibration and registration (of sensing systems)
    • Location sensing technologies (of any kind, including non-real-time)
    • Projector-camera systems
    • Sensor fusion
    • Smart spaces
    • Touch, tangible and gesture interfaces
    • Video processing and streaming
    • Visual mapping
    • Wearable sensors, ambient-device interaction
  • Output
    • Display hardware, including 3D, stereoscopic, and multi-user
    • Live video stream augmentation (e.g., in robotics and broadcast)
    • Wearable actuators and augmented humans
    • Wearable and situated displays (e.g., eyewear, smart watches, pico-projectors)
  •  User Experience Design
    • Collaborative interfaces
    • Technology acceptance and social implications
    • Therapy and rehabilitation
    • Usability studies and experiments
    • Virtual analytics and entertainment
    • VR simulations of AR/MR
  •  Human Performance and Perception
    • Interaction techniques
    • Learning and training
    • Multimodal input and output
    • Perception of virtual objects
  • System Architecture
    • Content creation and management
    • Distributed and collaborative architectures
    • Online services
    • Real-time performance issues
    • Scene description and management issues
    • Wearable and mobile computing
  •  Applications
    • Architecture
    • Art, cultural heritage, education and training
    • Automotive and aerospace
    • Entertainment, broadcast
    • Industrial, military, emergency response
    • Health, wellbeing, and medical
    • Personal information systems
    • Visual effects / video processing

Important Deadlines

Submission 15 March 2017 (all deadlines: 23:59 AoE)
Final notification 8 June 2017
Camera-ready version 10 July 2017

Submission Details

There is only one paper submission category, from 4 to 10 pages (excluding references).  Papers ready for journal publication will be directly published in a special issue of IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG).  Other accepted papers will be published in the ISMAR proceedings.  Paper quality versus length will be assessed according to a contribution-per-page judgment.

  • All accepted papers will be orally presented at the ISMAR conference.
  • All accepted papers will have the opportunity to be presented as a demo.
  • All accepted papers will have the opportunity to be presented as a poster.
  • All accepted papers will be archived in the IEEE Xplore digital library.

Detailed submission and review guidelines will be posted on the conference webpage ( Poster submissions will be accepted as usual with a submission date to be announced later.

Conference Committee

General Chairs

  • Guillaume Moreau, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France
  • Anatole Lécuyer, INRIA, France

Deputy General Chairs

  • Jean-Marie Normand, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France
  • Myriam Servières, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France

Special Advisory Chair

  • Hideo Saito, Keio University, Japan

Publications Chair

  • Veronica Teichrieb, Univ Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil

TVCG Liaison

  • Dieter Schmalstieg, Technische Universitaet Graz, Austria

Tracking competition chair

  • Hideaki Uchiyama, Kuyshu University, Japan

Sponsor Chair

  • Jérôme Royan, IRT b<>com, France

Poster Chairs

  • Bruno Arnaldi, INSA Rennes, France
  • Yuta Itoh, Keio University, Japan
  • Stefanie Zollmann, University of Otago, New Zealand

Science & Technology Chairs

  • Wolfgang Broll, Technische Universität Ilmenau, Germany
  • Holger Regenbrecht, University of Otago, New Zeland
  • J. Edward Swan II, Mississippi State University, USA

Demo Chairs

  • Jens Grubert, University of Passau, Germany
  • Florian Nouviale, IRISA, France

S&T Program Committee

Science and Technology Program Chairs

  • Wolfgang Broll, Ilmenau University of Technology / fayteq, Germany
  • Holger Regenbrecht, University of Otago, New Zealand
  • J Edward Swan II, Mississippi State University, USA


  • Joe Gabbard, Virginia Tech, USA
  • Ann McNamara, Texas A&M University, USA
  • Rafael Radkowski, Iowa State University, USA
  • Veronica Teichrieb, Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil


  • Mark Billinghurst, University of South Australia
  • Iwai Daisuke, Osaka University, Japan
  • Tobias Langlotz, University of Otago, New Zealand
  • Alexander Plopski, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
  • Christian Sandor, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
  • Stefanie Zollmann, University of Otago, New Zealand


  • Joaquim Jorge, University of Lisbon, Portugal
  • Gudrun Klinker, TU Munich, Germany
  • Hartmut Seichter, University of Applied Sciences Schmalkalden, Germany
  • Indira Thouvenin, University of Technology Compiegne, France
  • Ian A Williams, Birmingham City University, UK

Steering Committee

Steering Committee chair

  • Prof. Mark Billinghurst
    University of South Australia

Steering Committee members

  • Ronald Azuma
  • Mark Billinghurst
  • Wolfgang Broll
  • Henry Duh
  • Henry Fuchs
  • Simon Julier
  • Hirokazu Kato
  • Gudrun Klinker
  • Rob Lindeman
  • Walterio Mayol-Cuevas
  • Nassir Navab
  • Hideo Saito
  • Christian Sandor
  • Julian Stadon
  • Ed Swan
  • Dieter Schmalstieg
  • Haruo Takemura
  • Bruce Thomas

Emeritus members

  • Reinhold Behringer
  • Oliver Bimber
  • Jay Bolter
  • Tom Drummond
  • Steve Feiner
  • Raphael Grasset
  • Tobias Hoellerer
  • Kiyoshi Kiyokawa
  • Heedong Ko
  • Vincent Lepetit
  • Mark Livingston
  • David Mizell
  • Stefan Mueller
  • Jun Park
  • Gerhard Reitmayr
  • Jannick Rolland
  • Didier Stricker
  • Hideyuki Tamura
  • Greg Welch
  • Sean White
  • Martin Wiedmer
  • Hiroyuki Yamamoto
  • Naokazu Yokoya