The 11th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 2019)
27-30 August, 2019
Vancouver, Canada
Call for Papers (PDF Document)
Social network analysis and mining techniques are central to numerous modern industrial settings. Such techniques often push forward existing frontiers in sectors such as user modeling, personalization, and behavioral understanding. Industrial research in such areas is rapidly growing and further spurring the development of exciting ideas.
The ASONAM 2019 Industrial Track seeks submissions in all categories (8-page full papers, 4-page short papers, and 2-page extended abstracts) which showcase recent research advances in social network analysis and mining with direct industrial relevance. The track offers a venue for industrial practitioners and academic researchers to discuss emerging trends and practical challenges, and serves to further facilitate interactions between academia and industry in this vital area of growing interest.
All papers submitted to the ASONAM 2019 Industrial Track will undergo a standard peer-review process. The track emphasizes focus on contributions of industrial innovation and relevance, observational findings, interesting lessons learned in practice, and new classes of applications which can inspire further academic work. In-progress work is also considered. Contributions from both industrial research/development groups (both public and private sector) and academics are welcome.
In addition to regular presentation-based industrial track sessions, the track will include both an Industrial Poster Session and an Industrial Demo Session to encourage further exchange of ideas between academic and industrial researchers and practitioners. Depending on the availability of presentation slots, a fraction of accepted Industrial Track papers may be scheduled for poster-presentation only. Industrial Track contributors that plan to give a poster presentation or show a demo, but do not have a full or short paper submission, are requested to submit a 2-page extended abstract, which will be reviewed and (if accepted) be included in the conference proceedings. For authors planning to show a demo, a document describing the demo and associated requirements will be solicited after acceptance. Likewise, authors of contributions selected for poster presentation will be required to produce a poster for display at the venue. :
- Data collection and quality
- Big data and scalability
- Deep learning and embeddings
- Statistical learning
- Algorithms and techniques
- Visualization
- Modeling and simulation
- Centrality and roles
- Community detection
- Link prediction
- Information diffusion
- Influence propagation
- Anomaly detection
- Network macro structures
- Network evolution
- Emergence
- Privacy and security
- Collective behavior
- Crowd sourcing
- Social Recommender Systems
- Misinformation and Misbehavior Analysis and Detection
- Reputation and Trust in Social Networks
- Fairness Bias and Transparency in Social Media
Application domains
- Online and offline social networks
- Multirelational, multidimensional, multi-aspect, multilayer networks
- Time-evolving networks
- Probabilistic networks
- Semantic networks
- Social geography and spatial networks
- Social, cultural, and cyber anthropology
- Policy impact and analysis
- Networks in biology and ecology
- Digital Humanities
To fully embrace the fast-growing and vigorously dynamic trend of social network approaches and applications, ASONAM 2019 is eager to consider any breakthroughs in social network analysis and mining in the broadest possible sense.
General areas of interest to ASONAM 2019 include information science and mathematics, communication studies, business and organizational studies, sociology, psychology, anthropology, applied linguistics, biology and medicine.
The papers will be reviewed and assessed by the program committee. Full paper manuscripts must be in English with a length of 8 pages using the IEEE two-column template. We solicit also short paper with a maximum length of 4 pages. Submissions should include the title, author(s), affiliation(s), e-mail address(es), and abstract on the first page.
EasyChair submission link:
Papers will be accepted for the conference based on the reviewers’ comments on their originality, timeliness, significance, relevance, and clarity of presentation. A Best Paper Award ceremony will be organized at the banquet. If the paper is accepted, the paper will appear in the proceedings of the conference if one author presents the paper at the conference and at least one author registers as a full conference participant.
Accepted and presented papers will be included in the Conference Proceedings and forwarded for inclusion in IEEE Computer Society Digital Library (CSDL), IEEE eXplore, and the ACM Digital Library. The conference proceedings will be submitted for El indexing through INSPEC by the IEEE. Proceedings will be included in several indexes, e.g., Web of Science, SCOPUS, etc.
If you have any questions on ASONAM 2019, please send email to asonam2019 (AT) gmail (dot) com.
Key Dates
- Paper submission deadline: April 17, 2019 11:59 PM American Samoa Zone (UTC-11) —- (Firm Deadline)
- Notification of acceptance: June 14, 2018
- Camera-ready papers due: July 05, 2019 11:59 PM American Samoa Zone (UTC-11)
- Conference events: 27-30 August, 2019
Organizing Committee
- Steering Chair
- Reda AlhajjUniversity of Calgary, Calgary, Canada
- Honorary Chairs
- Jiawei Han University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
- General Chairs
- Aidong Zhang New York University Buffalo, USA
- Jon Rokne University of Calgary, Canada
- Laks V.S. Lakshmanan NUniversity of British Columbia, Canada
- Program Committee Chairs
- Francesca Spezzano Boise State University, USA
- Wei Chen Microsoft Research, China
- Xiaokui Xiao National University of Singapore, Singapore
- Industry-Track Chairs
- Jiabin Zhao Cisco Systems, Inc., USA
- Neil Shah SNAP Research, USA
- Prantik Bhattacharyya Reddit, USA
- Workshops Chairs
- Cataldo Musto Università degli Studi di Bari, Italy
- I-Hsien Ting National University of Kaohsiung, Taiwan
- Xia Ben Hu Texas A&M University, USA
- Multidisciplinary Track Chairs
- Giancarlo Ragozini Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Italy
- Shimei Pan University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA
- PhD Forum and Posters Track Chairs
- Charalampos Chelmis University of Southern California, USA
- Erdem Sariyuce SUNY at Buffalo, USA
- Omair Shafiq Carleton University, Canada
- Teng Moh San Jose State University, USA
- Demos and Exhibitions Chairs
- Keivan Kianmehr Oracle Inc., Canada
- Tansel Ozyer TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Turkey
- Tutorial Chairs
- Francesco Bonchi ISI Foundation, Italy
- Ke Wang Simon Fraser University, Canada
- Sponsorship Chairs
- Jalal Kawash University of Calgary, Canada
- Peter Peng University of Calgary, Canada
- Thirimachos.Bourlai West Virginia University, USA
- Publicity Chairs
- Ahmad Kassem Global University, Lebanon
- Buket Kaya Firat University, Turkey
- Keivan Kianmehr Oracle Inc., Canada
- Shang Gao Jilin University, China
- Publication Chairs
- Min-Yuh Day Tamkang University, Taiwan
- Panagiotis Karampelas Hellenic Air Force Academy, Greece
- Registration Chairs
- Jalal KawashUniversity of Calgary, Canada
- Mehmet KayaFirat University, Turkey
- Local Arrangements Chair
- Mohammed Sleiman
- Web Chair
- Tansel Ozyer University of Calgary, Canada