The 14th IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC 2017)

8-11 January 2017
Las Vegas, NV, USA


Held in conjunction with 2017 International CES


Call for Participation


The IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, sponsored by the IEEE Communications Society, is a major annual international conference organized with the objective of bringing together researchers, developers, and practitioners from academia and industry working in all areas of consumer communications and networking. IEEE CCNC 2017 will have separate research sessions and industry sessions. The research sessions will present the latest developments and technical solutions in the areas of home networking, consumer networking, mobile networking, social networking, enabling technologies (such as middleware), and novel applications and services. The industry sessions will be the forum for high quality presentations on innovative commercial software, systems, and services for all facets of information and communication technology, such as innovative multimedia systems, performance/behavior observed in the real world, cloud computing, crowdsourcing, social media, information integration and analytics. We also encourage submissions on design, usability, and performance of innovative applications and systems. Proposals for research and industry papers, special sessions, panels, workshops, demonstrations and tutorials are encouraged.


Authors of selected papers of the conference will be invited to submit an extended/revised version of their work to special issues that will be organized in the next months. The list of Journals includes IEEE Communications Magazine, Computer Communications, Journal of Communications, and Mobile Networks and Applications.


Special Session proposals due: April 1, 2016

Technical Papers Due: July 24, 2016 (Firm)

Tutorials proposals due: July 31, 2016

Demonstrations proposals due: September 18, 2016

Industry Panels proposals due: October 31, 2016

Acceptance notification: September 4, 2016

Final camera ready: November 2, 2016


Please visit for more information on Research Papers, Industry Papers, Tutorials, Special Sessions, Keynotes, Plenary Lectures, Panels, Demonstrations, Workshops, Paper Submission Guidelines and Author Requirements.