The 12th International Conference on Contemporary Computing (IC3 2019)
August 8-10, 2019
Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, NOIDA, India
Call for Papers
Authors are invited to submit manuscripts that demonstrate original unpublished research. Papers are limited to 6 single spaced pages. Please see the conference website for paper submission procedures and detailed guidelines. Authors are advised to ensure that their papers free of intentional as well as unintentional plagiarism. All submitted papers will be checked for the similarity score with the published literature using iThenticate services by EDAS. All papers with similarity score of more than 20 are likely to be rejected without review. Other papers will be peer reviewed on the basis of their clarity, originality, relevance and significance. Authors should submit their papers online at EDAS. Unregistered authors should first create an account on EDAS to log on.
CLICK HERE to download the Call for Papers
Papers are invited from the authors on the topics in the following four tracks of the conference.
Track-1: Applications
- Machine Learning
- Big Data processing and applications
- Artificial Intelligence
- Deep Learning
- Natural Language Processing
- Cognitive Computing
- Artificial General Intelligence
- Data mining, Information retrieval
- Computer vision, Image processing
- Pattern recognition
- Audio and speech processing
- Computational science applications
- Scientific computing applications
- E-commerce applications, Web services
- Cloud computing applications
- Biomedical applications
- Emerging applications in Healthcare and Engineering
- Smart Cities
Track-2: Algorithms
- Parallel Algorithms and Distributed Algorithms
- Combinatorial Algorithms and Graph Algorithms
- Scheduling and Load Balancing Algorithms
- Randomized, Approximation, Parameterized Algorithms
- On-line and Streaming Algorithms
- Locality-Aware, Power/Energy-Aware Algorithms
- Optimization Algorithms
- Complexity Theory
- Cryptography and Theoretical Aspects of Security and Privacy
- Fault-tolerant Algorithms
- Network and Peer-to-Peer Algorithms
- Evolutionary & Nature Inspired Algorithms
- Bioinformatics Algorithms and Computational Biology
- Quantum Computing
- Algorithm Engineering
- Algorithmic Game Theory
- Computational Finance
- Computational Geometry
Track-3: Systems
- Ad hoc, Sensor, Vehicular networks
- Cloud, Cluster, Grid, Distributed and P2P Computing, virtualization
- Internet of Things
- Fog Computing
- Blockchain Systems
- Cryptography and Applied Mathematics
- Software Defined Networks
- Embedded Systems and Robotics
- Embedded Systems and VLSI
- Multi-FPGA reconfigurable systems and architectures
- Enterprise, data centre, and storage-area networks
- Performance evaluation of networks and distributed systems
- High Performance Computing
- Heterogeneous Computing Models and Systems
- Intelligent Systems, Next generation Internet
- Parallel and Multi-core Computing
- System Security, Trust and Privacy
- Smart phones and Security
- Social Network behavior, Modeling and Analysis
- 5G Communication
Track-4: Education
- Computing and Data Science Literacy across all Science, Technology, and Social Science Disciplines
- Introductory Computer Science Course Sequence
- Parallel, Distributed and High Performance Computing courses, Computational Science courses
- Computer Engineering and Computational Engineering courses
- Curricular Issues in Computing Programs
- Pedagogy for Computing courses
- Systems, Networks, and Architecture courses
- Programming Language and Tools
- Algorithms, Automata and Discrete Math courses
- Novel Elective courses, Cyber Security courses
- Experience and Case Study reports
- Laboratory, Projects, and Internship courses
- Collaborative work and Peer learning
- Integrated Multi-Disciplinary Curriculum
- IT Entrepreneurship Education
- Assessment Methodology
- Employers’ Experiences with and Expectation of Graduating Students
Important Dates
- Conference Date: 08-10 August, 2019
- Full Paper Submission: 09th May, 2019
- Author Notification: 15th June, 2019
- Final Paper Submission: 01st July, 2019
Organizing Committee
Chief Patrons
- Jaiprakash Gaur , Jaypee Group, India
- Manoj Gaur, Jaypee Group, India
- Prof. S. C. Saxena, JIIT, Noida,India
General Co-Chairs
- Prof. Sartaj Sahni, University of Florida, USA
- Prof. Vikas Saxena, JIIT Noida, India
Program Co-Chair(s)
- Prof. Sundaraja Sitharama Iyengar, Florida International University, USA
Steering Committee
- Prof. Sartaj Sahni, University of Florida, USA
- Prof. Sanjay Ranka, University of Florida, USA
- Prof. Srinivas Aluru,Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
- Prof. Manish Parashar, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, USA
Track Co-Chairs
- Track-1: Algorithms
- Prof. NingXie, Florida International University, USA
- Prof. Debajyoti Bera, Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi, India
- Track-2: Applications
- Prof. Shu-Ching Chen,Florida International University, USA
- Prof. Sanjukta Bhowmick, University of Nebraska, Omaha, USA
- Track-3: Systems
- Prof. Shobha G, R V Collegeof Engineering, Bangalore, India
- Prof. Ramesh Agrawal, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India
- Track-4: Education
- Prof. Sushil Prasad, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA, USA
- Prof. Steven Bogaerts, DePauw University, Greencastle, IN, USA
Publication Co-Chair(s)
- Dr. Sandeep Kumar Singh, JIIT Noida, India
- Dr. Manish K Thakur, JIIT, Noida
Publicity Chair(s)
- Prof. Mario Antonio Ribeiro Dantas, Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil
- Dr. Sangeeta Mittal, JIIT, Noida
- Dr. Ankit Vidyrathi, JIIT, Noida
- Dr. Kavita Pandey, JIIT, Noida
Web Administration
- Dr. Raghu Vamsi P, JIIT Noida, India
- Deepti Singh, JIIT Noida, India