The 7th IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP 2019)
November 11-14, 2019
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
The 7th IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP) will be held at the SHAW Centre in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada on November 11-14, 2019. GlobalSIP focuses on signal and information processing with an emphasis on up-and-coming signal processing themes. The conference features world-class plenary speeches, distinguished symposium talks, tutorials, exhibits, oral and poster sessions, and panels. GlobalSIP is comprised of co-located General Symposium and symposia selected based on responses to the call-for-symposia proposals.
General Symposium Call for Papers
- Signal and information processing for:
- communications and networks, including green communications
- optical communications
- forensics and security
- finance
- energy, power systems, smart grid
- neural networks, deep learning
- genomics and bioengineering (physiological, pharmacological and behavioral)
- Image and video processing
- Selected topics in speech processing and human language technologies
- Human-machine interfaces
- Multimedia transmission, indexing, retrieval, and quality of experience
- Selected topics in statistical signal processing
- Cognitive communications and radar
- Graph-theoretic signal processing
- Machine learning
- Compressed sensing, sparsity aware processing
- Seismic signal processing
- Big data and social media challenges
- Hardware and real-time implementations
- Other (industrial) emerging applications of signal and information processing
- 5G wireless communication
- Massive MIMO
- Mm-Wave communication
- Bio-image analysis
Key Dates
Please note those important deadlines
Please note the Key Dates below so you don’t miss any important deadlines.
- Paper Submission Deadline: Mon, Jun 17th, 2019
- Notification of Acceptance: Mon, Jul 15th, 2019
- Camera-Ready Paper Due: Thu, Aug 15th, 2019
General Co-Chairs
- Fabrice Labeau (McGill University, Montreal)
- Sreeraman Rajan (Carleton University, Ottawa)
Technical Program Co-Chairs
- Bhaskar Rao (UCSD, USA)
- Peter Willett (University of Connecticut, USA)
Finance Chair
- Amir Banihashemi (Carleton University, Ottawa)
Plenary Chair
- Sumei Sun (I2R, Singapore)
Panels Co-Chairs
- Tim Davidson (McMaster, Canada)
- Eric Plourde (Sherbrooke, Canada)
Tutorial Co-Chairs
- Dong Xu (University of Sydney, Australia)
- Miodrag Bolic (University of Ottawa, Canada)
Publicity Co-Chairs
- Lina Karam (ASU, USA)
- Xiaolin Wu (McMaster, Canada)
Student Programs Co-Chairs
- Jean-Luc Dugelay (Eurecom, France)
- Paul Fortier (University of Laval, Canada)