The 16th IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC 2019)
11-14 January 2019
Las Vegas, USA
The IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC), sponsored by the IEEE Communications Society, is a major annual international conference. Taking advantage of its co-location with the International Consumer Electronics Show (CES), which is the world’s largest tradeshow on consumer technology, CCNC is organized with the objective of bringing together researchers, developers, and practitioners from academia and industry working in all areas of consumer communications and networking technologies. CCNC 2019 will feature high quality keynotes, plenary talks, technical and industry papers, panels, tutorials, and demonstrations. In addition, the CCNC 2019 Organization Committee invites members of the research, development, and practitioner communities to submit Workshop and Special Session proposals. Workshops provide a forum for people to discuss areas of special interest with like-minded researchers and practitioners. Special Sessions complement the main program with new or emerging topics that are of particular interest to the consumer communications and networking community, and may also cut across and beyond disciplines traditionally represented at CCNC. Research contributions are welcome in all areas pertinent to consumer communications and networking, including:
- Networking Solutions for Games, Multimedia, Social Good, and P2P Applications
- Cloud Services and Networking
- Wireless Communications: MAC and Cross-Layer Design
- Wireless Communications: Fundamentals and PHY
- Mobile and Wireless Networks
- Sensing, Smart Spaces and IoT: Applications and QoE
- Security, Privacy and Content Protection
- Mobile and Wearable Devices, Services and Applications
- Vehicular Communications and Applications in Water, Land, and Sky
- Emerging Topics in Consumer Communications and Networking
Workshop Proposals Due: May 1, 2018
Workshop Papers Due: September 15, 2018
Technical Papers Due: July 15, 2018
Acceptance Notification: September 17, 2018
Joonhyuk Kang
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Tech. (KAIST)
Technical Program Chair