The 27th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2011)
April 11-16, 2011
Hannover, Germany
Call for Papers
The annual ICDE conference addresses research issues in designing, building, managing, and evaluating advanced data-intensive systems and applications. It is a leading forum for researchers, practitioners, developers, and users to explore cutting-edge ideas and to exchange techniques, tools, and experiences. We invite the submission of original research contributions and industrial papers, as well as proposals for workshops, panels, tutorials, and demonstrations.
Submission Guidelines
All submissions must be prepared in the IEEE camera-ready format. Research and industrial paper submissions are limited to 12 pages. A paper submitted to ICDE 2011 cannot be under review for any other conference or journal during the entire time it is considered for ICDE 2011, and it must be substantially different from any previously published work (other than posters or short papers with a length of up to 4 pages when converted into the IEEE format).
Submissions to the industrial program may be paper-length or extended abstracts of 1-2 pages. They should present interesting aspects of commercial products and services and lessons learned from practical usage, not research results or prototypes from industry labs.
Submissions are reviewed in a single-blind manner. Authors of research papers will have an opportunity to give concise feedback on preliminary reviews within a one-week time window.
All accepted papers will appear in the proceedings. The online proceedings may be published as early as February 1, 2011. Accepted papers will be either long (12 pages) for complete technical work or short (4 pages) for innovative ideas. The best papers will be selected for extended versions to be published in the IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference (e.g., removal from IEEE Xplore) if the authors do not attend the conference to present their paper.
Formatting instructions and LaTeX macros are now available for download:
Important note: Only submissions in PDF format are accepted.
Please submit your paper through the CMT site ( for ICDE 2011.
Important Dates
Abstract due | July 16, 2010, 11:30pm PT |
Full paper submissions due | July 23, 2010, 11:30pm PT |
Author feedback time window | Sep. 24 – Oct 1, 2010 |
Notification of authors | Oct. 30, 2010 |
Final versions due | Nov. 15, 2010 |
Please note that for fairness reasons, these deadlines are strict. Please, if possible, try to not wait for the last hour since the system may get busy.
Program Committee Chairs
- Serge Abiteboul (INRIA, France)
- Christoph Koch (Cornell University, USA)
- Kian-Lee Tan (National University of Singapore)
Program Committee Area Vice Chairs
- Karl Aberer (EPFL, Switzerland) – Transaction and workflow management
- Walid Aref (Purdue University, USA) – Scientific Data
- Magdalena Balazinska (University of Washington, USA) – Streams and Sensor Networks
- Angela Bonifati (ICAR-CNR, Italy) – Semistructured Data, XML and Web Data Management
- Chee Yong Chan (National University of Singapore) – Query Processing and Optimization
- Brian Cooper (Yahoo! Research, USA) – Web Applications and cloud computing
- Bin Cui (Beijing University, China) – Indexing and Storage
- Amol Deshpande (University of Maryland, USA) – Text, uncertain and probabilistic data
- Alin Dobra (University of Florida, USA) – Data warehousing, OLAP and data grids
- Johannes Gehrke (Cornell University, USA) – Privacy and Security
- Zack Ives (U Penn) – Data Integration, metadata management and Interoperability
- Daniel A. Keim (University of Konstanz, Germany) – Database user interfaces and information visualization
- Ioana Manolescu (INRIA Saclay, France) – Systems, Experiments, Applications
- Amélie Marian (Rutgers University, USA) – Social Networks and Personal Information
- Tamer Ozsu (University of Waterloo, Canada) – Distributed, Peer-to-Peer and Mobile Systems
- Yufei Tao (Chinese University of Hong Kong, China) – Temporal, Spatial and Multimedia Data
- Michalis Vazirgiannis (University of Athens, Greece) – Data Mining and knowledge discovery